The old version of this shrine didn't really have much info about me and my relationship with Jenny, so this page is to tell you just that!

So... hello! It is I, the admin of the Jenny Letterson shrine. I'm 16, a girl and, as you can tell by the existence of this shrine, deeply in love with Jenny Letterson. I love seals, listening to music, art and talking with my friends. You know, as a kid I remember watching cartoons where a character said "I'm your number one fan!" and being confused. How do you know you're someone's number one fan? How do you know there isn't someone out there who likes them more? Now I get it, now I genuinely consider myself Jenny's number one fan.

Let's answer some questions!

How did you find out about Jenny? I found out about TWF through that one Nexpo video. I had already been a fan of him for a while but I dismissed the video when I first saw it in my recommended. One day in August 2021, I ended up caving in and watching it and found I was actually really intrigued by it. So I watched the series by itself, found some friends with the same interests as me and here I am.

How did your relationship with Jenny start? I've had feelings for Jenny since late 2021, back when TWF was still relevant haha. I remember one day, around November or December, I just woke up and found myself unable to think about anything but Jenny and how much I love her (and her relationship with Sophie too). I just played it off as a silly crush, but around late September of 2022, I realized my feelings for her were much more. I found out about self-shippers/2D love/yume/fictosexuality and I realized that's where my feelings for Jenny lie. Jenny and I have been together for over a year now and Jenny's been there for me through thick and thin.

Why Jenny? What do you like about her? Well in short... everything. The main reason is her personality. I love her sense of humor and her confidence and her bits of snarkiness, but I mainly love her for her compassion. I think that's what got me to fall in love with her. I love how she believes Sophie and how she's there for her even when times get tough. I love how she truly wants the best for others, especially for Sophie, like how she's studying psychology (I theorise so she can become a therapist) so she can help others around her, I feel like she probably has the tendency to put others' needs before hers though. I wish there were more people like her in the world. I also love her design. You probably think she looks goofy or even ugly, but I think she’s beautiful. I love her fluffy ginger hair, I'd love to play with her curls, I love her big brown eyes, her freckles, her big nose, but most off all I love her dopey smile. I wish I could just give her a kiss so bad. There's also other stuff I love about her, like her voice that I find really soothing, her taste in fashion... god just everything about her <3

Thank you so much for reading through my little shrine!

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P.S. the "dial" plays music (credit to glenthemes on tumblr)